Our restaurant and kitchen are quite different from a usual catering business. When serving, we care much about the health while making the food look good, taste good and also the quantities served. At Lotus Villa we go above and beyond to make sure that all our vegetables are produced organically. In Ayurveda one of the most important habits to ensure a healthy lifestyle is to take each meal at the proper time of the day. So, at the Lotus Villa we take great care and pleasure in making sure that lunch and dinner is served at the same time every day by ringing a bell to announce that is time for lunch or dinner.

Ayurvedic nutrition also cares about appearance and taste. However, the most important aspect is health. Every individual meal must be produced to suit each individual’s needs. Moreover, in Ayurveda there are 6 categories of taste (instead of the usual 5) which are to be taken into account when preparing the personalized meal plan. Lotus Villa kitchen is checked every lunchtime and in the evening by one of our Ayurveda physicians.
After the first consultation with an Ayurveda physician each patient will receive a personal nutritional plan which will also be forwarded to our kitchen and restaurant. This plan contains the following information: The amount of salt to be used (from “no salt” to “normal”) Whether oils / fats and which types should be used the quantity of food in grams, which fruit and / or vegetables should be avoided. Whether and which herbal tea can be served. Whether and which snacks / drinks should be served between meals and many more information.