Diabetes Type 1 and 2

Healing chances: Please read for that the last paragraph at the end of this page.

First minimum stay in weeks:
medically prescribed at LOTUS-VILLA: 3 weeks
medically recomended: 3 – 4 weeks

Second stay:
medically not compulsory
medically recomended: after 9 – 12 months

Regular repetition:
medically not compulsory
medically recomended: every 2 to 3 years

Medicine intake daily:
for the body generally: 4 times per day
for the disease specially: 2 to 3 times per day

No. of treatments per day:
minimum 3 | maximum 5
(correct figure depend on condition of patient)

Ayurvedic Nutrition:
for body and disease – 3 meals per day
for the disease: special Dosha / Diabetes – curative fare

Medicine to take home / in the price not included:
medically prescribed every 3 months
medically recomended, not compulsory

Here a brief information about the disease from the ayurvedic view:
the first treatment must be given with extremely fresh medicine, therefore the first stay is medically prescribed at Lotus-Villa. Subsequently, the intake of medicine at home is sufficient. If diabetes comes from a family disease e.g. high blood pressure, cure is difficult but the quantity of incected insuline can be reduced ( particularly important with the emergence of side effects of eyes, joints etc). For all other diabetic patients the disease can be kept under control (often without regular shots) by intake of ayurvedic medicine, correct nutrition and regular treatments.

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